I was recently in London for a couple of days. Unlike most of the people I share my life with, I actually love London. It's the variety of buildings. The mixture of people and styles. The blend of endless shops. The hectic rush and feel of the place. The buzz of being in the most diverse city in the world. Linking in from my last blog, maybe it is the endless noise that most appeals to me, the constant background hum subconsciously comforts me. But in the right place, at the right time, the hustle of daytime London transforms itself into a peaceful abyss with a beautiful backdrop of elegant buildings and surroundings. I even enjoy the Tube in a sordid, slightly seedy way. Crammed into a moving tin box travelling at close to 20mph along with twenty or so other poor souls, I sit there observing and listening to the lives of anyone in my radar.
I have enjoyed pretty much every one of the many things to do in the city- everything that appeals to me anyway. Now I tend just to stroll down Oxford street (for the bargains in Primark) or check out Camden market (for the more pricey, but original items). Maybe catch a show and stay the night in a hotel. More importantly I like to watch everyone go by, indulging myself in the quirky outfits and the interesting accents that surround me. Its weird because in London I dress more outrageous and emphasize my slight 'country' accent- all just to fit in.
Don't get me wrong, I also love rolling hills and snow-capped mountains. These are both beautiful landscapes. But people neglect to see beauty in the more subtle things around us. As I walk down Oxford Street I see not only the sale signs and the shops- not just the giant Primark sign calling my name and guiding me towards the bargains that have my name written all over them- I also see the amazing buildings that these shops now live in. The classic and rich architecture is a beauty all in its own. The parks and social spaces in London are enjoyed by a mix of people in the midst of a concrete jungle. The strong and inviting accents ring smoothly on the ears. Yes people barge past, and you don't get an ounce of personal space but look at the warm smile that are worn by these people. London truly is a beautiful city of which we should all be proud, Londoners and tourists alike.
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