Jade strikes me as unconventionally clever. She obviously wasn't the top of her class in Geography, or English for that matter- she clearly hasn't had much of an education altogether. However, who has their own mini empire selling a wide range of products, who can demand huge sums to appear in photo's and who has a bank balance to make most of our eyes water?! Exactly. She's definitely clever.
Is she a role model, to be aspired to? Or a role model to be held up as an example of what not to become. I can't make my mind up.
Shes an honest, loveable character. She cares deeply for her now husband, and two boys. She has been brought up in a chaotic world, but conquered this mess to become one of the most recognisable faces in the UK today.
She has faced this tragic situation in life with bravery and determination, and used it to provide the future for her children that she never had herself. This is a selfless and brutally honest explanation, and one which has quite frankly worked if we can believe the reports of the £1,000,000 she has already earned. And why not? She was brought into our lives and has led her hectic life in the glare of the public. She has every entitlement to go out of it in the same fashion. Yes she is famous for doing very little, but if the nation has taken her to its heart, then this cannot be a bad thing. And her fight has probably saved thousands of lives, bringing the plight of cancer to millions of people, spurring them to get checked out.
Sadly, her boys don't have a choice, they will have to live their lives without their mother. They won't be the first children, but regardless it is going to be tough. Very tough. But if they take after their mother, and with a little help from what Jade is doing right now, then I wouldn't bet against them.
Jade. In my eyes she's definitely a Goody.
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